Social Anxiety : How To Overcome Social Anxiety, Shyness And Low Self-Esteem Quickly And Effectively For Life

Social Anxiety

How To Overcome Social Anxiety, Shyness And Low Self-Esteem Quickly And Effectively For Life

You Don't Have To Suffer From Social Anxiety Any Longer.

Do you find yourself shaking uncontrollably, blushing and avoiding contact when you're in certain types of social situation? You avoid making new friends, dodge public speaking and hesitate when it comes to talking to a stranger and making small talk is worst that pulling teeth at the dentist? Your heart rate increase, you sweat, you develop panic attacks and you might even feel confused and dizzy.

If this sounds like you, then you could be suffering from social anxiety, shyness and low self-esteem.

You might already have tried to fix the way you are feeling, but the self-help books and expensive treatments never seem to quite deliver on their promises. In fact, you're close to throwing in the towel and resigning yourself to a life of missed opportunities and loneliness.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Using the approaches and step by step action plan outlined in this book, you can overcome your social phobia and transform your life beyond your wildest dreams. You can get the girl or guy, land that dream job and become everything you have ever desired. The power lies in your own hands to make that change.

Within its pages you will learn exactly what social anxiety is, what causes it, and why most treatments don't make a blind bit of difference when it comes to your suffering. We'll run through a questionnaire that will help you understand your anxiety, and then turn our attention to helping you to get a grip on your life and heal for good, using positive thinking techniques, mindfulness meditation and a social anxiety exposure hierarchy that will really work.

You will also learn:

  • How social anxiety limits your life
  • Why other people are a likely cause for your problems
  • The truth about self-esteem and social anxiety
  • Why you can't `just get over it'
  • How to boost your self-esteem
  • The secret way to change your thought patterns
  • How to soothing your nervous behaviour
  • What treatments are available
And much, much more